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October 8, 2018


Picasso is right. Every act of creation indeed begins with an action of destruction. Here is a perfect example.

《女孩與氣球》 (2006) 是街頭藝術家 Banksy 的名作之一,在2018年10月5日晚於倫敦蘇富比拍賣行以 1,042,000 英鎊(約 1,071 萬港元)賣出,在拍賣鎚一敲之際卻「自毀」,從畫框滑出,並且被碎成一絲絲。Banksy 隨後在 Instagram 表示,他早在畫作中加設碎紙機,若作品有一天被拍賣,他會按下搖控按鈕,啟動碎紙機,現在終於實現了。至於蘇富比歐洲當代藝術部主管 Alex Branczik 對此事是否早已知情,我們不能確定,很多人認為全都是一場「騷」,拍賣行專家不可能在檢查作品時毫不察覺畫框裡藏著碎紙機。無論如何,這花招在拍賣史上留下了深刻的一幕,亦讓人思考價值連城的作品在拍賣會上「自毀」的目的。

此新作已由班克斯之認證代理「Pest Control」發出證書確認,並重新命名為《垃圾桶中的愛》(2018)。買家為一名歐洲女藏家,亦是蘇富比長久以來的客戶,會以當晚拍賣會上的成交價正式購藏此作。蘇富比歐洲當代藝術部主管 Alex Branczik表示:「班克斯並沒有在拍賣會上毀掉作品,而是創造了一件全新藝術品。繼藝術家於上週晚拍作出令人意外的干涉後,我們現在欣然宣布全新作品《垃圾桶中的愛》正式成交,這是藝術史上第一件在拍賣會現場創作的藝術品。」《垃圾桶中的愛》將於10月13日及14日(星期六及星期日)中午至下午5時於倫敦蘇富比New Bond Street畫廊公開展出,最後入場時間為下午4時40分。

Girl with a Balloon (2006) is one of Banksy’s most celebrated works. On 5 October 2018, the night of Sotheby’s auction in London, the piece was sold at £1,042,000 (1, 071 million hkd), but was found to have self-destructed right after. The artwork slipped through the frame and was shredded into multiple strands. Banksy later revealed on his Instagram that long ago, he had built a shredder in the frame. Once the painting was up for auction, he would press the button on his remote and shred it. Clearly, this was successfully executed on the night of the auction. Whether the head of Sotheby’s European Contemporary Art, Alex Branczik, knew about this before, we could not be sure. Nonetheless, this was a magnificent stunt which has left its mark on the history of art auctions, thus has invited us to ponder the purpose of such act involving an expensive art work at an auction.

The new work has been granted a certificate by Pest Control, Banksy’s authentication body, and has been given a new title, Love is in the Bin (2018). The buyer, a female European collector and a long-standing client of Sotheby’s, is proceeding with the purchase at the same price as was achieved in the room on the night. “Banksy didn’t destroy an artwork in the auction, he created one. Following his surprise intervention on the night, we are pleased to confirm the sale of the artist’s newly-titled Love is in the Bin, the first artwork in history to have been created live during an auction”, Alex Branczik, Sotheby’s Head of Contemporary Art, Europe claimed. Love is in the Bin will be on view to the public in Sotheby’s New Bond Street galleries on Saturday and Sunday 13th and 14th October from noon until 5pm. Last entry at 4.40pm.

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Banksy, Love is in the Bin, 2018; Courtesy to the artist and Sotheby’s

©2018 by Ashley Leung.

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