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Sexuality / desires vs. constraints / life & death / existential angst


She writes mainly in English and sometimes in French.

If you would like to read her poems, or would like her to submit one for publishing purposes, please contact her through email.


Two self-published poetry zines

All poems are by Ashley Leung, written in 2021 or before.

Editing & design: Ashley Leung & Chinny Tam

With her two self-published poetry zines, titled《And when I opened my eyes, I was looking right at myself》(2021) and《I dreamt that you’d love me, but it was just a fallen fantasy》(2021), Ashley was selected to sell her work at Booked: Hong Kong Art Book Fair in 2021 at Tai Kwun Contemporary (HK). She also interacted with other zine makers as the creator of these two zines at Zine Coop Show & Tell Party 2022 (online).

Videos where I read my poems
Spoken Word: Surreal Moments | Ash Bomb

Spoken Word: Surreal Moments | Ash Bomb

Surreal Moments Surreal moments are only moments they are nothing but transience of that little period of time that carries your heart to ecstasy to the highest happiness of what a human can pursue have chased all their lives to pursue to get there all by coincidences because they disrupt routines the routines that flatten our desires that take us away from feeling alive surreal moments cannot exist long like your life routines because if they do they lose their magic they become a part of your routine and you want more you want more of what you think could not happen I wonder what it takes to capture these moments I often wonder even with this poem I try to capture something I want to remember some assets I have at this moment provoked perhaps by the aftermath of ecstasy but there is nothing no words no pictures could ever record exactly that moment that moment that makes your heart warm for a few days or a week that little smile on your face that lingers like the rainbow crossing over heaven it does not last it should not last but how do you stop wanting it to we spend our lives searching for that ecstasy for the surreal moments but they are nothing but moments and when you try to capture them they are already sneaking through the lax holes of your heart what is left is the painful pleasure of reminiscing of imagining of revisiting but that would be different it is gone forever does it make them a lot more magical perhaps will they ever satisfy my craving perhaps not but let’s just chase after them like we do in a routine and get “surprised” and fall back to the same routine and repeat it’s all nothing

©2018 by Ashley Leung.

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